Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday in the Digital Darkroom

Hi all, Randy here.  We had a lot of fun at Jenny and Troy's wedding last night, but now its time for a day at the computer.  A lot must be done before a set of photos can be finalized and put on the web.  The first step, is to import the photos into a software program designed for sorting and adjusting RAW images.  Next, we look through the full set of photos and rate them 1-5 stars.  If the photo is rated less than 4 stars, it usually doesn't make it into the final set.  This process usually cuts out about half of the original set.  Why not just give the clients all the photos?  Because that's lazy and I don't think any bride wants to sit and sift through 2000 images.  We usually shoot for 600-800 for a full-day wedding.

Next, all of the keepers need to be checked for exposure and white balance (which is what I'm doing today).  Today's digital cameras do a pretty good job at automatically selecting a white balance, but I almost always have to tweak an image to get it just right.  Its important that the bride's dress look white, and not have too much of a color-cast.  I usually leave images on the warm side because it makes the skin tones look better and most people generally prefer that warmer, "Kodak" look.

Exposure is especially important for wedding photos because the camera's internal meter can often get thrown off by the bright white wedding dress, or the dark black suits.  The auto-exposure settings on a camera are calibrated to expose each image to a medium gray.  Thus, if you take your camera, on automatic, and point it at a white piece of paper, the image will come out under-exposed and gray.  Likewise, if you point it at a black piece of paper, it will come out over-exposed and gray.  Most images should be adjusted so that there are areas that are true black and areas that are true white.  Most importantly, the skin tones should look natural and not too light or dark.

Here is a before/after comparison:

There are more steps in this process, but since I've probably bored everyone to sleep by now, I'll save them for another day.  Back to Kellie and Joe's wedding pictures.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday Night Fever!

Randy and I got home a little while ago from Jenny and Troy's wedding.  It was a BLAST!  What a fun couple and family.  Here is a shot from the chapel before the ceremony.

They were picked up in a '57 Chevy from the that was a sweet car!  The reception was down at the Stone Cliff Winery in the Port of Dubuque. 
We are just going through the pictures to begin the editing process tonight (we can never wait to look at pictures!)  More coming soon!

Saturday Morning is the BEST!

Welcome to our blog! We are just getting this started and will update it at least once a week. Check back to see what we are up to and keep updated with new pictures!

We are on week four of a four week wedding blitz! We have had a blast at the other three and are looking forward to Jenny and Troy's wedding today. We had a lot of fun doing their engagement pictures so the wedding should be fantastic! They are getting married in the Marble Chapel at Emmaus College here in Dubuque. We checked it out last week and it is beautiful! The reception is in one of our favorite spots, the Stone Cliff Winery. We are looking forward to taking some more fun pictures at the River Walk.

We just posted pictures from Sherry and Dennis' wedding on 9/12. 

(This is one of my favorites!)

And we are working on editing pictures from Kellie and Joe's wedding on 9/19. Check back later this week for a sneak peek!

Well off to get some inspiration and prepare for Jenny and Troy's big day!