Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Engagement: Kara & George

They were friends that turned into something more. Something so much more. Their love shines through them like no couple I have seen yet. The story of Kara and George might be a tragedy from the outside, but when you look at them you see nothing but love and hope for the future. They have overcome so much in their lives that they are able to conquer the world with their love and they are starting with Owen, The Adorable.

I woke up the morning of Kara and George's shoot to what I thought was a nightmare! There was SNOW everywhere. That was until I really looked around and I realized that the snow was really a blessing. It was the big fluffy stuff that sticks everywhere and makes everything look like it fell out of a Norman Rockwell Painting.

We had only spoken with Kara on the phone before meeting them the morning of the shoot. When we met in the lobby of the Hotel Julien I knew we were going to have a lot of fun!  We did a few indoor shots to start the session off.  I saw so much of Randy and I in Kara and George.  They way the look at each other and make each other laugh, they way they just have that comfortable look, it is kinda weird!

Then we met Owen, The Adorable.  Don't tell Randy, but I think I'm in love!
We braved the chilly wind that morning and headed over to the Mines of Spain.  We got there just in time to have some snow left on the trees, which made a really nice backdrop for these two. 
One thing I love about the Mines of Spain is that its not too far out of town, but you feel like you're in the middle of the country.

These two are just so in love, they can make even a rusty old train track and brown trees look fabulous!
 Looking for a little change we headed to the "red door" and caught this lovely family moment.  Owen was such a ham when I was holding the camera (not so much when Randy was) :)
 We'd better look out!  Owen might be taking pictures at the wedding.
I think this pictures sums up our day.  George made us laugh and we just happened to be holding the camera at the right time. 

Randy and I really enjoyed meeting these two and I can't wait for the wedding on May 1st!  Click Here to see a slideshow!

PS We'll be headed out of town for the holiday weekend, but we'll be back on Monday to blog about more of our engagement adventures!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Website Launched!

We have been working hard to redesign our website with a new software package for the past couple weeks. We finally got the page launched yesterday before our busy season gets started.  It features flash effects throughout, including page transitions, beautiful slideshows, and link rollover effects.  Also, the site scales nicely to any resolution monitor.  Check it out at our usual web address: http://www.mentzphotography.com/