Thursday, April 22, 2010

Twin Cities Fun!

So Randy and I have been on the road A LOT lately.  We spent Easter in St. Louis with family and have been non-stop ever since.  Of course on our travels we have had our cameras.  I spent April 10th and 11th in St. Paul with my girls.  I actually lived up in the Twin Cities Metro area after graduation from Luther for about a year before moving back south.  There are things I miss (Cities 97) and things I don't miss (traffic).  I really miss being around my friends, they are my soul.  I will never have a sister (unless of course Scotti or Steve get movin!) and these girls are the closest thing to a sister that I can have.  They asked if I would bring my camera to ladies weekend so they could have some new head shots.  I was like yeah, how hard can that be?  Sara is just amazingly beautiful.  I don't think she knows just how gorgeous she really is.
I think Sara might kill me for putting this on the blog, but it really shows how much fun we were having!  You rock that look sista!
I love this next picture.  She just looks so classic!

Then there is Kaye.  Without looking she has become such a dear friend to me.  I feel like we really missed out not being closer while in school.  I hope that our friendship continues for many many years.  You just look stunning in this picture!
In the next picture you look awesome!
This next picture was just for fun at the end, but its one of my favs.  It really shows just how much fun we had and how many teeth we have too ;)

Ladies, I don't know how to thank you enough for the love, support and encouragement you have given me in the last few years.  We have all been through so much together that I can't imagine my life without you!  As you both enter new phases in your lives I wish you nothing but happiness because you deserve nothing but happiness.

Ok, now to the boring stuff :)  Randy and I took a workshop up in the Cities the 17th and 18th to learn about some of the latest and greatest photography techniques.  It was 2 days of awesome!  This first picture I snapped while our instructor was talking about some settings and playing with some things on the menus.  If you know me you know I am a hands on learner so of course I took my camera out and started to play.  Just as I was getting things right he turned and said "of course you're not doing this on your camera right now!" and looked right at me.  I nearly busted a gut right there.  Its a good thing he has a sense of humor!

In this next one he was demonstrating something :)  No, he wasn't taking a picture, but I think its funny I got a shot of him demonstrating with the cap on.

Seriously though we learned a lot and are looking forward to putting it to good use with the upcoming wedding blitz!  We start this weekend with Erin and Wade in Cedar Rapids!  I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Engagement: Lauren & Jeff

It was a warm fall night.  The leaves were just starting to turn and the sky was a clear, dark blue.  They finally had a weekend to relax and so they went for a walk in the woods.  When they came to a clearing, Lauren saw the first star and they made their wish.  It is not often that wishes are granted instantly.  So on a clear, warm fall evening Jeff asked the most important question of their lives.  Well I think you can guess what the answer was.  We shot their session on March 25th on the UNI Campus where they met. 

This shot is how love should feel all the time, like it will never let you go.

They just could not stop looking at each other.

You can see in this picture just how much Jeff loves Lauren.

Since they went to UNI and are avid Panther Fans we had to take a couple shots with the Panther.  At least the water was not in the fountain yet.


Sabin Hall where they spent so much time together!

I love the look on Lauren's face, she just looks so happy.

This is one of the most wonderful moments to capture, just before the kiss.

Lauren looked like she was having so much fun that Jeff wanted in on the foot popping part!



I love this picture.  You can tell they were meant for each other!

So Lauren got to give Jeff a raspberry and this was the after moment.

Then Jeff got revenge!

After our time on campus we went to the their favorite bar, Suds.  Its a fun little bar where they like to hang out.

Their names are carved on their table at Suds and will stay there forever, just like their love!

Jeff looks so serious in this picture.  Way to serious to be in front of a free beer sign!

We'll leave you with this classic looking picture.

Jeff and Lauren - We had so much fun shooting your pictures.  Your wedding is going to be a blast!  Click here to see the slide show!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Engagement: Laura & Jamey

She made dinner.  It was her break from teaching and she made dinner.  Jamey came home to dinner on the table and the night that changed their lives began.  As they sat on the couch watching tv he gave her a foot massage, then a hand massage.  Ever so smoothly he took off one ring and when he was done he put a new, better ring on her finger.  She made him officially ask and of course the answer was yes!

We took Laura and Jamey on a north end adventure here in Dubuque a couple weeks ago on March 21st.  We started at Four Mounds.  Needless to say it was a little greener this time than last.  The weather was a bit chilly, but they were champs!  I think it was their love that kept them warm (or maybe the fact that we had them so close together!).
Laura just looks like she is home resting on his shoulder.
 These two crack me up!  Always laughing!
 This has to be one of my favorite pics from the day!
 So cute!
 We found this great spot with incredible light!  They both look like they are glowing.
 One, Two, Three, Four, I declare...
 Laura is just glowing!
 Jamey just looks so classic here.  Such a great looking guy!
 Jamey just looks so happy here.  I can't imagine why ;)
 These two are so in love, it just oozes out of them.
 The ring that started this madness.

 So sweet.
 Laura and Jamey, thanks for the fun.  Your wedding is going to be awesome!  Click Here to see more pictures.