Saturday, October 17, 2009

Congratulations Matt and Maria!

Today we got lucky and the weather cooperated with us for Matt and Maria's engagement session.  What a fun couple to work with!  They were both really comfortable with each other and we hardly needed to give any direction for poses.  We got a lot of great shots, so the hard part will be figuring out which 300 pictures to toss.

Gadget Geek Section
This was our first time out with our new "nifty fifty" Canon 50mm 1.4.  This lens is very sharp and offers up a nice, dreamy look for portraits.  Its one of the most popular lenses among portrait photographers for good reasons...its small, light, well-built, remarkably sharp, and with a maximum aperature of 1.4, it has the capability to throw backgrounds out of focus like few other lenses can.

Now, back to Jenny and Troy's wedding photos.  We're almost done with them and want to have them online by tomorrow night.

Here's a preview from today's shoot.

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