Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Erin and Wade's Engagement

It was Mother's Day.  She had already given him the world with their daughter Anna, he just wanted to make this love forever.  He asked and it was possibly the best Mother's Day Present she will ever get.

Randy and I met Erin working at Kids, Inc in Cedar Rapids while we were taking school pictures for the kids.  She never mentioned that she was getting married this year.  Wade emailed us a few weeks after we had gotten the photos back to parents and wanted to meet with us.  Erin and Wade had stars in their eyes for each other every moment of that meeting.  They were looking at each other with such love and devotion it was remarkable. 

They will be married in Cedar Rapids at St. Jude's Church with a reception at The Longbranch Hotel on April 24th.  With such an early spring wedding we had to get their engagement session done this winter.  They were troopers!  Randy and I told them they could leave their coats on, but they instisted on taking them off for our outdoor pictures.

We started at the Grand River Center to get warmed up and have a lot of space to work with.  I love the intensity in this picture.  It looks like they are so deep into each other that I doubt they noticed the loud mouth (me in case you were wondering) snapping photos.

If I had to describe Anna in one word I would use DARLING!  The look on her face is awesome! "Ummm, what are you doing that for?"

The love Wade has for Erin is extremely evident in this picture.  He was just so sweet to her all day.

I know people think that I'm strange (understatement, right?), but I think that these type of pictures (couple from behind) are the best!  They are so romantic and intimate without being in your face about it.

We headed out for a few in the bitter cold.  As I said before these two really were good sports about it!

Don't worry folks, Anna was in the safe warm car while we were shooting these.  I'm not sure that they needed their coats for this hot set!

I'm not sure we have ever gotten this great of a smile from one of our groom-to-be's yet.  Either she loves him a lot or shes really funny, but I'm betting on both!

Her cuteness is back for another picture.  We left the river area and headed up to Four Mounds.  This was our first time shooting up there.  It was a little warmer and the views were incredible!

We had great light to work with up there.  It just caught her ring and made it sparkle!

I'm putting this one in the blog because I think its adorable.  Their noses are turning pink from being outside for so long, but they are still smiling.

There were some inn keepers working so we got to go inside and warm up a bit in their beautiful house!  It felt really nice to get indoors and sit down.

It was a great day with Erin, Wade and Anna and we can't wait for the wedding in April.  See more of their pictures here.

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