Thursday, September 9, 2010

One Crazy Summer...

Well that was one quick summer!  I have to apologize for not keeping the blog up to date.  If you have been following us on FaceBook you know that its not because we've been bored!  Randy and I have been going crazy just trying to keep up with each other and our blog was a causality of the frenzy.

Our summer began with a trip to northwest Iowa to the Vagle Family Reunion.  It also happened to be Randy's 30th birthday.  I was able to get this shot at the picnic!

As you may or may not know I am an orchestra teacher.  I am starting my 6th year teaching and decided a couple years ago to start my masters degree in music education.  I found the perfect college for me, but its in Chicago.  So at the end of June I packed my bags and moved to the Windy City for 6 weeks.  I worked really hard while I was there, but I still managed to find some time to relax a bit.  Here is a shot from Michigan City, IN on the beach of Lake Michigan.
While I was in Chicago Randy was at home working diligently and also training the boys.  In the late spring we hired a professional dog trainer to help us get the dogs under control.  I am very proud to say that if we want we can now take the boys on a walk without leashes and sit out on our patio without fear of them taking off!  He is such a wonderful man and I can't thank him enough for supporting my dream of getting my masters degree!

When I was finished for the summer we went on a little vacation to Wisconsin.  We stayed with Randy's parents in Appleton and did some of the things we've always wanted to do.  We started the week by going out to "the Land".  I shot a .22 which was tame compared to the .30-06 I shot a couple years ago!  Here are some pics from that.
 It was a long day and all the dogs were worn out!  I'm holding Cho in the first one, he has gotten bigger, but still a cute little bugger!

Then we went up to Door County, WI and camped overnight while enjoying the sights like Cave Point Park.  While we were camping the stars were absolutely amazing!  I saw the milky way with my naked eyes (ok fine I had my glasses on, but still).  Our famous self-portrait pose!
Randy liking standing in Lake Michigan.
After a day of doing nothing we went on a tour of waterfalls in the Appleton area.  Here is a great shot by Randy.
People usually say that Labor Day is the end of summer.  Well I ended with a BANG!  One of my best friends Beth and I decided in April to run a 5K together.  We trained all spring and summer and RAN a 5K on Labor Day.  Here is a picture crossing the finish line.  Our time wasn't the best (yes Chuck Grassley beat us!), but we ran and we achieved our goal.  I am registered to run another one in October.
Well that about covers our summer adventures.  Of course we had a few weddings and engagement sessions in there and we'll post those at some point.  Maybe over the winter when its -10 outside, I think looking at green pictures would be great to look at then!  I hope everyone had a great summer and don't worry, the blog is BACK!

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